kiki4hire telah menetapkan logo; draft finalnya sudah dimuat di weblog ini.
Design dibuat sederhana dan memiliki filosofi sbb: Gambar ombak melambangkan kehidupan manusia yang naik turun layaknya ombak; nah bulatan hijau itu melambangkan diri pribadi orang yang menjalani hidupnya, cita-citanya selalu (baca: harus) berada di atas ombak, menguasai keadaan dengan strategi, motivasi, dan semangat yang positif.
kiki4hire has decided a logo; the final draft is uploaded to this weblog.
The design is made simple and its essence as follows: the wave symbolized human's life up and down like the natural wave; then the green dot represent one's life, the goal is to be always (read: must) able to ride the wave, conquer the situation with strategy, motivation, and positive spirit.
End of story - 19 Jan 2008
Design dibuat sederhana dan memiliki filosofi sbb: Gambar ombak melambangkan kehidupan manusia yang naik turun layaknya ombak; nah bulatan hijau itu melambangkan diri pribadi orang yang menjalani hidupnya, cita-citanya selalu (baca: harus) berada di atas ombak, menguasai keadaan dengan strategi, motivasi, dan semangat yang positif.
kiki4hire has decided a logo; the final draft is uploaded to this weblog.
The design is made simple and its essence as follows: the wave symbolized human's life up and down like the natural wave; then the green dot represent one's life, the goal is to be always (read: must) able to ride the wave, conquer the situation with strategy, motivation, and positive spirit.
End of story - 19 Jan 2008
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